domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

El Ankh era el antiguo teléfono movil

Hoy en día todos vamos con nuestro teléfono movil, y vemos normal utilizarlo para comunicarnos, pero si ésto se lo contásemos a nuestros bisabuelos, posiblemente nos tomaran por locos. Sin embargo ellos veían normal que los zahoires detectaran los rios subterraneos usando solamente dos palitos que hacían de antena para captar el campo magnético que generaba el rozamiento del agua sobre las piedras.

Pues en la antiguedad ya hubo gente más avanzada que nosotros, que en vez del movil, utilizaba un elemento mucho más ecológico para comunicarse, el Ankh.
Se sabe que los antiguos conocían nuestro tercer ojo, hablamos de la glandula pineal, la cual está demostrado que es capaz de detectar señales externas. Es decir, si cerráramos nuestros ojos, y nos entrenáramos adecuadamente, podríamos detectar un objeto con la glandula pineal. También se sabe, que cuando dormimos creamos un campo magnético alrededor de dicha gandula, lo cual hace que todos nos sintamos como nos sentimos durmiendo. Este efecto lo podemos provocar con el alcohol, es decir al tomar alcohol, la glandula pineal crea un campo magnético alrededor de ella, aislandonos del exterior, y viviendo sensaciones parecidas a los sueños. Pues bien, una vez que tenemos en el epicentro de nuestro cuerpo una glandula que trabaja generando o no campos magnéticos, es fácil comprender que éstos se pueden detectar, demodular e interpretar, otra cosa es que a día de hoy nosotros aún no sepamos hacerlo.
He puesto la foto adjunta para que se vean los dos artefactos más usados por esos dioses, semidioses, faraones, o como queramos llamarles, el caso es que dichos artefactos no son sino antenas para recibir y transmitir señales. Vamos, como si hoy en día miramos en los tejados de nuestra casa y vemos un planto redondo metálico, llamado antena parabólica, y luego un dipolo que llamamos antena de TDT, y lo más curioso es que sin ver nada, ni entenderlo, nadie dudamos que a través de ellas somos capaces de ver una maravillosa película en la TV, sin embargo nadie se cree que con los dos artefactos del egiptio de la foto, era capaz de transmitir campos magnéticos y de recibirlos.

In the book The Ankh: African Origins of Electromagnetism, the author, Nur Ankh Amen asserts that the ankh served more than mere symbolic purposes during ancient times.
According to Amen, the shape of the ankh, when wrapped in coils, allowed it to carry an electromagnetic charge. This assertion further supports the theories that ancient Africans were the first to experiment with and harness the power of electricity, unlike traditional educational curriculum has shown us. The author supports his theory by referring to Exodus 25:10-22, wherein lies a description of the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark, built by Moses (A BLACK Egyptian), was constructed with an overlay of pure gold. According to Amen, once the Ark was charged with an electrical current, only an individual who knew how to neutralize the charge could touch it without fear for his or her safety. If we are to embrace the many metaphoric stories of the Bible, this too would indicate that a knowledge of electricity existed in ancient times.
Another interpretation of the ankh presented by Amen is that the top loop represents eternal life, while the cross represents the material plane, a theory corresponding to the desire of our ancestors to achieve a higher state of consciousness within this world through spiritual cultivation.
At Stonehedge in England, large volts of energy has been transmitted from a megalith to a wire shaped in the form of an ankh.

The ankh of Maat is instrumental in the realm of law and righteousness. Maat is the goddess of truth, indispensable in the cause of justice. The ankh she is holding, is the oracle of truth, operating on a principle known as galvanic skin response (GSR). Named after the Italian experimenter, Luigi Galvani, who (re)discovered the reflex action of a frog's leg to electrical stimulus, it is widely used as a part of a modern polygraph test (lie detectors).
The conductivity of the skin varies with one's emotional state and what make GSR so effective is how totally involuntary these skin responses are. An electrode is placed in the hand or taped to the finger of the subject and the conductivity or resistivity of the skin is measured in response to questioning.
Changes in conductivity of the skin alters the capacitance of the ankh, creating frequency changes as a result. By holding the ankh this way, the emotional and spiritual responses can be communicated as a frequency modulated transmission.
A high frequency oscillator, like the ankh, has the advantage of producing high voltages at low current, so they can be handled safely. Nicolai Tesla discovered this much later, when he attached a high frequency coil to himself and produced corona-like discharges from his body. Luminous effects produced by high voltage high frequency coils are used today in Kirlian Photography. Objects appear to have a glowing aura around them, when subjected to high voltage.


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